De er plaget at støy i Europa, antagelig er dette lokalt og ikke noe som kommer fra Norge. Er det noen som hører dette hos oss vil de gjerne ha informasjon om retning til senderen, det er jo noe vi bør kunne!
Dear WG members,
since a number of weeks, German and Dutch ARDF friends regularly observe a distant MO— signal on 3579 kHz. This signal is a major disturbance for ARDF events, especially when using low-power transmitters (foxoring, training with youngsters…) in the late afternoon. We are under the impression that this is high power beacon, maybe not even targeting ARDF activities, and definitely violating common amateur radio regulation and practices.
There are some national authorities already more or less active (OE, DL, I) but results remain to be seen.
I would like to turn your attention to a ham initiative to collect bearings and reports from different spots in Europe, with the ultimate goal to stop this transmission. You can visit the webpage by Veit, DL7ET (with a map by Edwin, PE5EDW):
I kindly ask you to join this effort, for the benefit of all amateur radio activities in this part of the spectrum.
73, Kai